Example: X11 Window
Demonstrates how to create a simple GUI window with libX11 native function calling on X-Server.
Draw overlayed sinus curves on X11 Window
error_reporting (0);
const WINDOW_WIDTH = 800;
const WINDOW_HEIGHT = 600;
const WINDOW_TITLE = 'V1 Script - Simple X11 Window';
hDLLX11 = dl ('libX11', true);
if (!hDLLX11) {
// Search for X11 library
libList = explode ("\n", system ('/usr/bin/find /usr/lib'.(version(3)==1 ? '64' : '').' -name "libX11*.so*"'));
if (!empty (libList[0])) {
hDLLX11 = dl (libList[0], true);
if (hDLLX11) {
print ("Please replace for faster starting: dl ('".libList[0]."', true);");
if (!hDLLX11) {
print ("libX11.so was not found on this system.\r\nTry: sudo apt-get install libx11-dev");
exit (1);
const PI = 3.14159265359;
const PI2 = 2*PI;
function drawWindow ()
global hDLLX11, screen, display, window, windowWidth, windowHeight, colors;
gc = call (hDLLX11, 'XDefaultGC', 'pi:p', display, screen);
// Sinus frequencies to overlay
freqList = [1, 3, 4.5];
// Clear window
call (hDLLX11, 'XClearWindow', 'pp:i', display, window);
// call (hDLLX11, 'XSetForeground', 'ppi:i', display, gc, binparse (colors['white']));
// call (hDLLX11, 'XFillRectangle', 'pppiiii:i', display, window, gc, 0, 0, windowWidth, windowHeight);
// Draw legend
call (hDLLX11, 'XSetForeground', 'ppi:i', display, gc, binparse (colors['red']));
call (hDLLX11, 'XFillRectangle', 'pppiiii:i', display, window, gc, 20, 20, 10, 10);
msg = '';
foreach (freqList as freq) {
if (!empty (msg))
msg.=' + ';
if (freq!=1)
msg.= 'sin('.freq.'x)';
if (count (freqList))
msg = '('.msg.') / '.count (freqList);
call (hDLLX11, 'XSetForeground', 'ppi:i', display, gc, binparse (colors['blue']));
call (hDLLX11, 'XDrawString', 'pppiisi:i', display, window, gc, 40, 30, msg, strlen (msg));
// Draw axes
call (hDLLX11, 'XSetForeground', 'ppi:i', display, gc, binparse (colors['black']));
offs = 50;
x = offs;
y = offs;
// Y axis
call (hDLLX11, 'XDrawLine', 'pppiiii:i', display, window, gc, x, y, x, windowHeight-offs);
windowHalf = (windowHeight-offs*2)/2;
for (y2=-1;y2<=1;y2+=0.25) {
msg = y2;
y = (windowHeight/2)-y2 * windowHalf;
call (hDLLX11, 'XDrawLine', 'pppiiii:i', display, window, gc, x-5, y, x+5, y);
call (hDLLX11, 'XDrawString', 'pppiisi:i', display, window, gc, x-40, y, msg, strlen (msg));
// X axis
x = offs;
y = (windowHeight/2);
call (hDLLX11, 'XDrawLine', 'pppiiii:i', display, window, gc, x, y, windowWidth-offs, y);
for (x2=0.25;x2<=1;x2+=0.25)
msg = x2;
if (x2==0.25)
msg = 'pi/2';
if (x2==0.5)
msg = 'pi';
if (x2==0.75)
msg = '3pi/2';
if (x2==1)
msg = '2pi';
x = offs + (windowWidth- (offs*2)) * x2;
call (hDLLX11, 'XDrawLine', 'pppiiii:i', display, window, gc, x, y-5, x, y+5);
call (hDLLX11, 'XDrawString', 'pppiisi:i', display, window, gc, x, y+20, msg, strlen (msg));
// Plot overlayed frequencies
call (hDLLX11, 'XSetForeground', 'ppi:i', display, gc, binparse (colors['red']));
Fs = (windowWidth-offs*2)/4;
T = 1 / Fs;
L = Fs;
t = 0;
x = offs;
xOld = yOld = 0;
for (i=0;i<=L;i++) {
v = 0;
foreach (freqList as freq)
y = (windowHeight/2) - v * ((windowHeight-offs*2)/2);
if (i>0)
call (hDLLX11, 'XDrawLine', 'pppiiii:i', display, window, gc, xOld, yOld, x, y);
xOld = x;
yOld = y;
call (hDLLX11, 'XFlush', 'p:i', display);
// Open default display
display = call (hDLLX11, 'XOpenDisplay', 'p:p', null);
if (!display) {
print ('Cannot open default display.');
screen = call (hDLLX11, 'XDefaultScreen', "p:i", display);
displayWidth = call (hDLLX11, 'XDisplayWidth', 'pi:i', display, screen);
displayHeight = call (hDLLX11, 'XDisplayHeight', 'pi:i', display, screen);
rootWindow = call (hDLLX11, 'XDefaultRootWindow', 'pi:p', display, screen);
blackPixel = call (hDLLX11, 'XBlackPixel', 'pi:p', display, screen);
whitePixel = call (hDLLX11, 'XWhitePixel', 'pi:p', display, screen);
// Create simple window
window = call (hDLLX11, 'XCreateSimpleWindow', 'ppiiiiiii:p',
// Set window title
call (hDLLX11, 'XStoreName', 'pps:i', display, window, WINDOW_TITLE);
// Set window position and center to display
// This is old stuff, you can use XResizeWindow and XMoveWindow after XMapWindow (see below)
size =
binformat (1<<2|1<<3).
binformat ((displayWidth-WINDOW_WIDTH)/2). // x
binformat ((displayHeight-WINDOW_HEIGHT)/2). // y
binformat (WINDOW_WIDTH). // width
binformat (WINDOW_HEIGHT); // height
call (hDLLX11, 'XSetNormalHints', 'ppr:i', display, window, size);
// Select kind of events we are interested in
call (hDLLX11, 'XSelectInput', 'ppi:i', display, window, 1<<15|1|1<<17); // 1<<15 = ExposureMask | 1 = KeyPressMask | 1<<17 = StructureNotifyMask
wm_delete_window = call (hDLLX11, 'XInternAtom', 'psi:p', display, 'WM_DELETE_WINDOW', false);
wm_delete_window = binformat (wm_delete_window);
call (hDLLX11, 'XSetWMProtocols', 'ppri:i', display, window, wm_delete_window, 1);
// Map (show) the window
call (hDLLX11, 'XMapWindow', 'pp:i', display, window);
// Center the window
// call (hDLLX11, 'XResizeWindow', 'ppii:i', display, window, WINDOW_WIDTH, WINDOW_HEIGHT);
// call (hDLLX11, 'XMoveResizeWindow', 'ppiiii:i', display, window, (displayWidth-WINDOW_WIDTH)/2, (displayHeight-WINDOW_HEIGHT)/2, WINDOW_WIDTH, WINDOW_HEIGHT);
// call (hDLLX11, 'XMoveWindow', 'ppii:i', display, window, (displayWidth-WINDOW_WIDTH)/2, (displayHeight-WINDOW_HEIGHT)/2);
// Create colors
colormap = call (hDLLX11, 'XDefaultColormap', 'pp:i',display, screen);
colors = array ();
colorNames = array ('red', 'green', 'blue', 'brown', 'black', 'yellow', 'white');
foreach (colorNames as colorName) {
colors[colorName] = '';
ret = resize (colors[colorName], 16); // 16 bytes is enough buffer size for XColor struct
call (hDLLX11, 'XAllocNamedColor', 'ppsrr:i', display, colormap, colorName, colors[colorName], colors[colorName]);
// Event loop
event = null;
resize (event, 256); // 256 bytes is enough buffer size for XEvent struct
fClose = false;
while (!fClose)
call (hDLLX11, 'XNextEvent', 'pr:i', display, event);
msgId = binparse (event,3);
switch (msgId)
case 12: // 12 = Expose
// Draw or redraw the window
drawWindow ();
case 33: // 33 = ClientMessage
// Window messages
if (binparse (event,3,_ALIGN==4 ? 28 : 56)==binparse (wm_delete_window)) {
fClose = true;
case 22: // 22 = ConfigureNotify
// Get window size
windowWidth = binparse (event,3,_ALIGN==4 ? 32 : 56);
windowHeight = binparse (event,3,_ALIGN==4 ? 36 : 60);
case 2: // 2 = KeyPress
// Close connection to server
call (hDLLX11, 'XCloseDisplay', 'p:i', display);