A simple Windows Webserver for PHP and CGI Scripts

A simple Windows Webserver for PHP and CGI Scripts


WWebserver understand the HTTP Basic Authorization.
A directory and all sub directories can be protected with Apache AuthUserFile directive in .htaccess file.

For example:
To protect the directory C:\WWebserver with PHP 7.2.0 create the following .htaccess file in the same directory.

AuthUserFile "C:\WWebserver with PHP 7.2.0\.htpasswd"
AuthName "WWebserver Password protected"
AuthType Basic
require valid-user

After that create a hashed password with standard DES or with PHP SHA512 algorithm.
For example:

php.exe -B "echo crypt('mypassword', rand (10,99));exit;"

The command create the DES hash (DES need the first 2 characters for a salt) 33F7GhkIaweNg of mypasssword

Insert the <username>:<hash> into the .htpasswd file.


You also can protect a directory with /wwadmin Panel, menu "Directory protection"
